Learning and Development Opportunities at the City of London
Created for the City of London, Ontario, Learning and Development Opportunities at the City of London promotes the Services, Programs, and Courses available for staff to develop the skills and knowledge necessary to meet the corporation's current and future needs.
Explain this program in
Employee Absence Management - Accommodation
Created for Return to Work Services at the City of London, Ontario, Employee Absence Management - Accommodation explains the details of how to assist returning employees in performing the duties of their job using the C.A.R.E. model for managing employee absences.
Explain this process in
Employee Absence Management - Return to Work Planning and Evaluation
Created for Return to Work Services at the City of London, Ontario, Employee Absence Management - Return to Work Planning and Evaluation explains the collaborative process of return to work planning and evaluation using the C.A.R.E. model for managing employee absences.